memory n. 1.记忆;记忆力;【自动化】存储器;信息存储方式;存储量。 2.回忆。 3.纪念。 4.死后的名声,遗芳。 5.追想得起的年限[范围]。 artificial memory 记忆法。 retentive memory 良好的记忆力。 a translation memory (电子计算机的)译码存储器。 Keep your memory active. 好好记住,不要忘记。 It is but a memory. 那不过是往事而已。 bear [have, keep] in memory 记着,没有忘记。 beyond [within] the memory of man [men] 在有史以前[以来]。 cherish the memory of (sb.) 怀念(某人)。 come to one's memory 想起,忆及,苏醒。 commit to memory 记住。 from memory 凭记忆。 have a good [bad, poor, short] memory 记性好[坏]。 have no memory of 完全忘记。 If my memory serves me. 如果我的记性不错。 in memory of 纪念…。 of blessed [famous, happy, glorious] memory 故〔加在已死王公名上的颂词〕 (King Charles of blessed memory 已故查理王)。 slip sb.'s memory 被某人一时忘记。 to the best of one's memory 就记忆所及。 to the memory of 献给…〔著者书前纪念性题词〕。 within living memory 现在还被人记着。
Block and memory based part of speech tagging 基于组块及记忆的词性自动标注
A circuit that pulls information from the control store memory based upon external events or conditions 依据外部事件或条件将信息从控制存储器中取出的一种线路。
There are many algorithms that have been proposed recently , but most of them were memory based and usually assume that the amount of data is not very large 分类经过长期的发展已产生了众多算法,但其中大部分都是内存驻留算法,通常假定数据量很小。
You can specify the number of megabytes or use the value 0 to allow the transformation to use a dynamic amount of memory based on its needs and the physical memory available 可以指定mb数,或使用值0以允许转换基于其需要和可用物理内存而使用动态内存数量。
You can specify the number of megabytes , or use the value 0 , which lets the transformation use a dynamic amount of memory based on its needs and the physical memory available 可以指定内存量( mb ) ;或使用值0 ,让转换根据其需要和可用物理内存来使用动态内存量。
The fruit of the thesis establishes a firm foundation for the actual development of flash memory based ssr used on the satellite and is very useful for reference 本课题的预研成果为实际研制应用于星上的基于闪存的大容量存储器奠定了坚实的基础,具有较好的指导和借鉴意义。
A new algorithm , finite memory based on recursive pls , is proposed . the adaptive algorithm is applied to build adaptive soft measurement which have more strong tracking ability and higher precision than traditional model 提出基于块式递推pls限定记忆思想的算法,运用这种新方法建立的自适应软测量模型能更好地跟踪过程的变化。
Cache adaptive write allocate policy collects fully modified blocks in miss queue . fully modified blocks are written to lower level memory based on non - write allocate policy which can switch to write allocate policy adaptively 该策略在访存失效队列中收集全修改cache块,对全修改cache块采用非写分配策略,并能够自适应地切换为写分配策略。